Ethiopia - The young man who fought and won a herd of hyenas - an amazing story heard from Dredawa | Feta Daily

May 16, 2023 - 04:50
Jun 26, 2023 - 15:21
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Ethiopia - The young man who fought and won a herd of hyenas - an amazing story heard from Dredawa

The young man's name was Said, and he lived in a small village at the edge of the savannah. One day, as he was tending to his family's goats, he noticed a group of hyenas lurking nearby. At first, he didn't think much of it and continued with his work.

But as he finished up and began to make his way back home, he heard theending to his family's herd of goats, he heard a commotion coming from the nearby bushes. Curious, he went to investigate and found a pack of hyenas attacking one of his goats.

Without hesitation, Said grabbed a stick and charged towards the hyenas, driving them away and saving his goat. However, he noticed that the hyenas had been eyeing his entire herd, and knew he needed to act fast to protect them.

Determined to fight off the dangerous predators, Said came up with a plan. He spent the next few days observing the hyenas and learning their habits. He noticed that they always came at night when his family was sleeping, so he decided to stay up and keep watch.

The next evening, as the sun began to set, Said positioned himself at the edge of the village with his stick in hand. As he waited, he saw the pack of hyenas approach, eyes glinting in the darkness.

Unafraid, Said charged at them, shouting and brandishing his stick. The hyenas turned to face him, but he was ready. He swung his stick with all his might, striking one of the hyenas and sending it yelping in pain. The other hyenas, intimidated by Said's bravery, retreated.

Over the next few nights, Said repeated this tactic, and soon the hyenas learned to fear him. They stopped coming to the village altogether, and Said became known as the hero who had won a herd of hyenas.

Word of his bravery soon spread throughout the region, and other villages sought him out for advice on how to deal with predators. Said became a respected figure in his community, revered for his courage and quick thinking.

And though the hyenas never bothered his herd again, Said never let his guard down, always watching and protecting his family's livestock from any potential danger.

The young man's name was Hirpha Guta, and he lived in the small village of Diredawa in Ethiopia. One day, as hewas tending to his family's livestock, a group of hyenas appeared and began attacking his herd. Determined to protect his family's livelihood, Hirpha picked up a stick and charged at the hyenas, shouting and swinging the stick to scarewas tending his family's cattle in the countryside, he came across a pack of hyenas attacking a herd of weaker animals. Hirpha, who had always been fascinated by hyenas, decided to intervene and protect the animals.

At first, the hyenas were not intimidated by the young man and continued their attack. However, Hirpha surprised the pack by unleashing a powerful scream, causing them to momentarily retreat. He then began to wave his arms and shout fiercely, a tactic he had learned from his grandfather who had also fought off hyenas in the past.

The hyenas, now wary of Hirpha's strength and courage, slowly backed away, but not without a fight. One hyena in particular, the largest and most aggressive of the pack, refused to leave the herd and charged at Hirpha. However, the young man was quick and agile, and he managed to dodge the hyena's attack and strike it with a fierce blow.

The pack, defeated and unable to overcome Hirpha's bravery, finally retreated and disappeared into the night. The herd of animals were saved, and Hirpha returned to his village triumphant. News of his bravery quickly spread, and soon he became known as the young man who fought and won a herd of hyenas.

Today, Hirpha remains an inspiration to the people of Ethiopia, and his story is retold as a reminder of the strength and courage of the human spirit.

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